Cage Settings - Main Information

System Settings - Settings- Cages - Cages Tab

Cage Setup Tab

Click the Cages tab to set cage properties.

Cage Module

By default, cages are enabled in mLIMS.  Use the dropdown to disable if you do not want to track cages.

Cage Capacity

Enter your maximum cage capacity. mLIMS will alert you of overcrowded cages on the home screen based on your capacity.

Barcode Options

You can enable or disable barcode, and also make it a required field.  Use the dropdown to select your preference.
 By default, mLIMS automatically assigns barcodes to cages.  If you would like to enter your won barcodes, change to No.

Cage Type

Cage Type is different than Purpose (holding or breeding).  Cage type is a user-defined field.  It can be changed to a required (*) field if desired.

Duplicate Cage Names

By default, duplicate names are not allowed.  If you would like to re-use cage names after they are discarded, change to YES.

Cage and Animal Ownership

Select Yes if you want mLIMS to automatically change the animal ownership to the cage owner if an animal is transferred to a cage with a different owner.


Proceed to the Locations section.
Cage Settings - Main Information