Cages - Review or Search Cages
 Verify Cages
mLIMS will verify the cages to discard.
 Discard Date
mLIMS will default to today. Change the date if desired by clicking in the date field.
 Sacrifice Animals
If this box is checked, mLIMS will also sacrifice all animals in the cage. If not checked, the animals will be active but without a cage.
 Status and DOD
By default, mLIMS will change status of the cage to discarded. If sacrificing animals, enter date of death.
 Cause of Death
Select cause of death (optional) from dropdown, or type in new value to add to the auto-generated dropdown list.
 Complete Corresponding Mating
Check this box if a mating is associated with the cage and you want to mark it as complete (retired mating).
Click submit to discard and sacrifice animals (if selected).