
Mating Information

Go To: System Settings - Settings - Matings & Litters - Matings Tab
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Matings Tab

Go to the Matings Tab

Female Only Mating

Select Yes from the dropdown if you set up matings with a female only, such as sperm injection or embryo implant.  Otherwise, leave set at No.

Parents in Mating

Enter the number of dams and sires allowed in a single mating record.

Date Calculations

Select Yes to allow mLIMS to automatically calculate delivery and plug dates based on the delivery and plug days you enter.  If this is set to No, the delivery and plug dates are filled in manually.

Duplicate Naming

By default, mLIMS does not allow duplicate record naming.  Select Yes from the dropdown to use duplicate mating names.

Automatic Mating Records

The default is No - change to other options if you would like to automatically create a mating when a breeding cage is set up.
Mating Information