
Number of Pups and Details

Step 4 of Add Litter.

Animal Naming

If automatic animal naming is enabled, these fields will fill in automatically.  If using manual naming, you can enter an Animal Name Intital for naming, or the first ear tag number.  mLIMS will name the pups according to your         animal naming properties.

Number of Pups

Select the number of pups from the dropdown menu, and mLIMS will add them automatically (below).  This can be left at 0 to create a litter record with no pups (to be added at weaning time - use update litter).

Animal Name

If using Automatic Naming, the fields will be pre-filled.  If using Manual Naming, enter each animal name.  Any animal name can be edited.

DOB and Status

The date of birth is entered automatically from the Progress Box.  To change the DOB, edit the first DOB and use the copy link.  Status can be changed individually or automatically using the status update tool.

Verify Dam

This is only visible if there is more than one female in the mating record.  Choose Dam#1 from the dropdown for the first animal, and use the copy function to apply to all.  You can also assign Dam#2 if you do now know which is the actual parent.  **Important!  If both of these fields are left blank, a Dam will not be assigned!  Have mLIMS remind you do do this by verifying that each pup has a parent in System Settings - Litters.

Animal Sex

Assign gender individually or using auto-tool.

Cages, Genes and Genotypes

Assign pups to weaning cages, or create individual cages.  Use Auto-Create to have mLIMS create cages automatically and transfer the animals.  Genotypes can be assigned at any time using the update litter tool.

Parent Mating and Cages Information

Number of Pups and Details