
Project Record Naming

Projects - Create new Project - Record Naming Tab
Hint: You can manage multiple tabs and submit once when all tabs are completed.

Record Naming Tab

Proceed to the record naming tab to set automatic naming for animals, cages, matings and litters within the project.  Each project can have different naming schemes.

Animal Naming

There are several ways to name animals within a project:  Animal Tag only, Prefix + Animal Tag (ie: A4567), Prefix and number (AA 001), or just start with a value (AB005).  mLIMS will increment by 1 based on your choices.  ** If  you are already automatically naming animals in System Settings, the Project Animal Naming will be disabled.  If you want to name animals differently for each Project, change animal naming to Manual in System Settings!

Cage, Mating, and Litter Naming

For these items,  naming is basic; use a Prefix and mLIMS will increment everything by 1 (ie: AC 1, AC 2, etc.)

Sumbit Changes

Submit changes or proceed to the Cage Locations tab.
Project Record Naming