You will need to add run categories for your experiments first. A run can be different diet, measurements, surgery, etc. You can also create a "final" run that allows you to sacrifice and then create samples for all of the animals. When you create a run category, mLIMS will pre-fill the form, but you can override the values if needed.
Create Run Category
In the Lab Notebook module, go to Run Categories - Add Run Category.
Enter a name for the category (ie: Measurement, Injection, Final). These are general categories and each run you complete would fall under one of these categories.
Select the USDA pain level for this category (optional). In order to view this field, you must have the Pain Level module activated in System Settings - Settings - Animals.
Check any additional modules to enable for this run category. For example, if you will be doing measurements, check to enable. Please note that the measurement module in the lab notebook is for one animal at a time.
Save your category and repeat to add more. You will need to associate your experiment runs with a category, so add as many as you need. You can always add more later.